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The information has been obtained from printed timetables and other local sources (like taking the bus) and is given in good faith.
The situation regarding Algarve railway stations is evolving as modernisation work continues. I have not been able to visit some places for some weeks. All stations now have or very soon will have high level platforms with minimal steps into and out of trains. Access will become easier when electric trains enter local service some time next year.

I have to say, unfortunately, some of the buses and trains in the Algarve are not very disabled-person friendly.

Many of the buses have high steps in and out. You will sometimes see what you in the UK would call a ‘coach’ being used on local buses. These of course have steep steps in and out.  Most newer buses are accessible, some of the older ones are not. It is impossible to say for some routes at which times which type of vehicle will be used.

Some good news is that the GIRO (local) buses normally used in Albufeira have only one step and should be suitable for the majority of travellers. They have a ramp to permit wheelchair and baby buggy access. The mini-buses on other urban networks (Faro, Lagos, Portimão etc) are also accessible.  These too have ramps for wheelchair users.

On the trains, the combination (in some places) of low station platforms and steep steps into and out of the train will make it very difficult for some. Wheelchair access is out of the question; it seems just not to be catered for. Newer trains are now in service, but these also require steps to board/alight. For more information about the stations and trains, click here.

These are personal opinions (I am able-bodied) but based on observations and frequent use of buses and trains!

Many thanks to the Administrator at for an improved French translation:


Je dois dire, malheureusement, que nombreuses autobus et trains en Algarve ne sont pas pratiques pour les handicapés.  Certains des bus ont des marches élevées a l’entrée et à la sortie.  Vous verrez souvent ce que nous appelons un ‘autocar’ (autobus de long parcours) étant utilisés sur les parcours locaux;  ceux-ci naturellement ont des marches raides. Par contre, les autobus du «GIRO» à Albufeira et aussi de 'Vai e Vem' en Portimão et les autobus 'A Onda' á Lagos, n’ont qu’une seule marche et devraient être accessible à la majorité des voyageurs. Ils existentent accès pour fauteils roulants et poussettes.

Pour les trains, la combinaison de quais de gare (plateformes) abaissés et de hautes marches aux portes des trains rendra l’accès très difficile pour certains.  Le passage de fauteuils roulants est impossible;  il ne me semble pas avoir été prévu.  Ceux-ci peuvent être plus faciles à utiliser pour les personnes à mobilité restreinte.

And, to the same source, for a much improved Portuguese version.


Tenho que dizer, infelizmente, que muitos dos autocarros e dos comboios no Algarve não são muito amigáveis para pessoas com deficiência motora.  A maioria dos autocarros têm degraus altos à entrada e à saída.  Irá encontrar com frequência o que nós, no Reino Unido, chamamos um 'coach' (autocarro de longo trajecto tipo Renex ou Rede Expressos) utilizado em  percursos locais;  os quais naturalmente têm degraus bastante íngremes.

Os autocarros do rede GIRO em Albufeira e 'Vai e Vem' em Portimão e A Onda em Lagos, no entanto, têm apenas um degrau e deverão ser apropriados para a maioria dos viajantes. Eles têm uma rampa para permitir o acesso de cadeiras de rodas e carrinhos de bebê

Nos combois, a combinação das plataformas da estação baixa e íngremes degraus dentro tornará muito difícil para alguns. Acesso para deficientes está quase fora de questão, que parece só não ter servido.

Thanks to Markus Frühauf for this German translation:


Ich muß leider sagen, daß viele Busse und auch Züge an der Algarve nicht unbedingt für Behinderte geeignet sind. Die meisten Busse haben hohe Stufen an den Ein- und Ausgangstüren. Fernreisebusse (wie in Großbritannien die "Coach") werden häufig auch auf lokalen Linien verwendet; gerade diese haben steile Stufen an den Türen.  Eine gute Nachricht für Albufeira: Die stadt Busse des liniens GIRO in Albufeira, 'Vai e Vem' Portimão und 'Onda' Busse im stadt Lagos haben nur eine kleine Stufe und sollten für die meisten Reisenden passierbar sein. Sie verfügen über eine Rampe, die den Zugang für Rollstuhlfahrer und Kinderwagen ermöglicht

Die Kombination von niedrigen Bahnsteigen und hohen Einstiegen verhindert bei den Zügen einen behindertenfreundlichen Zugang, besonders Rollstuhlfahrer werden hier Schwierigkeiten haben.


Several stations on the Algarve line are being rebuilt to improve access for the less mobile. Work is in progress or soon will be at Estombar - Lagoa; Poço Barreto, Alcantarilha; Mexilhoeira Grande; Luz; Tavira; Castro Marim and Monte Gordo. Some further modifications are being made on the eastern section of the line in tandem with the electrification works. I have not yet been able to check on progress in all areas.

I must emphasise that there is currently NO STEP FREE ACCESS at any Algarve station to any train while it is in the platform. All trains in use have steps up into the carriage. Some platforms are very low making it difficult for some. Things will be easier at those very few stations with modern high platforms, but access with a wheelchair is still not possible without assistance. Only those stations named in BOLD have staff present (not necessarily all day) but none are normally visible on platforms.


The unstaffed stations do not have toilets. They are available at staffed stations but, because of persistent vandalism, it may be necessary to ask for the key at the ticket office. Which is not going to be open all day. All trains have at least one toilet on board.


For details of ticket office opening times and other information about stations, go to

Tickets for regional trains can be purchased at or you can download their smartphone 'app'. These can be printed or shown to the conductor on a suitable mobile device. You may be fined if you board a train without a ticket at a station where the ticket office is open.

If boarding at an unstaffed station, you can buy tickets for local journeys on board the train. Payment can be made in cash only.

Tickets for trains to Lisbon cannot be purchased on board. Purchase long distance tickets, up to 60 days in advance, at one of the staffed stations or go to or the official Comboios de Portugal app. Reservation is COMPULSORY on all trains between the Algarve and Lisbon stations.

Assistance for those with mobility issues can be booked via this page -

Station name
Access to station and platforms
Even though almost all stations now have high platforms there is still a step into and out of the trains currently in use. The local trains do NOT carry portable ramps for wheelchairs. I have NEVER seen anyone in a wheelchair using them.
Most of the work to rebuild and upgrade stations is now complete. High platforms with step free access are in place along with new lighting and shelters where needed. Some small bits of work remain but nothing troublesome.
Step free access to the station and all platforms. Modern high platforms.
Step free access to the single platform. Picture here.
High level platforms, flat crossing between the two platforms and step-free access. Picture here.
Step free access to the westbound platform. For access to the eastbound platform use the flat crossing over the tracks, where there is a fairly steep ramp and small step.
High platform now installed. Step free access.
Work complete. Step free access to both platforms via a foot crossing over the tracks. Approach to the station is up a short (50 metres approx.) hill.
Step free access to the station area now via a gate beside the old station building. Access to the westbound platform is via a foot crossing over the tracks. High platforms on both sides. Picture of the railway station taken from the level crossing at the end of the platforms here.
Step free access to the single platform.
Step free access the station entrance. Step free access to both platforms via a foot crossing over the tracks.
Step free access to the station and the single platform. High level platform and ramps now complete.
Step free access to the platform normally used - Platform 2 - is via a flat crossing over the tracks. The station is on an embankment high above town and access is by way of a steep hill.
Modern high platforms except on platform 1, which is used only occasionally. There is a bridge over the tracks with a lift / elevator for those unable to use the steps. Picture of the station here.
Ramp into station and main platform, lift / elevator available to cross tracks to second platform. Modern high platforms (mostly) but regional trains sometimes stop partly on the old low section!
There is step free access to the right of the old station building onto the main platform used by nearly all trains. The new second platform is complete. There is a flat crossing over the tracks and a short ramp for access. Pictures before opening here.
Step free access to main platform. Access to second platform via a foot crossing at the end of the main platform. Modern high platforms.
Step free access to the single platform.
Station is on an elevated section of track.There is a steep ramp up to the platform used by most trains, but not to the other.
Easy access to the station, step free access to all platforms. Modern high platforms.
A fairly steep ramp leads down to the single high platform. No steps.
Modern high platforms are on both sides, with a step free ramp and flat crossing between them. Work in progress 6th February to extend the platforms for the new longer trains.
Step free access to the single high platform. Still a big gap to get on the train - picture here.
Step free access to the platform mostly used. Access via a flat crossing over the tracks and a ramp to the 'other' platform sometimes used. Both platforms are high level. Works at the station almost complete.
Single high platform. Access ramp complete.
Single high platform. Access ramp complete.
Flat access to station building and both platforms via ramps and a crossing over the tracks. Both are modern high platforms.
20th November - work continues to lengthen the platforms and install extra lighting. Temporary, step free, access to station and a flat crossing between platforms. There seems to be no direct effect on users.
Single high platform, there is a fairly steep ramp up to it. New shelter completed.
CONCEIÇÃO Step free access to the single low platform by two steep ramps adjacent to the old station building. The path most people can use is badly surfaced. Picture of the station here and here. One of the ramps can be seen at the far end.
Step free access to the station. High platforms with a step free ramp and crossing between. Pictures taken 290824 1, 2 and 3
The crossing over the tracks is behind where picture 3 was taken.
Step free access to the single platform beside the old station building. 
Step free access to the single platform.
Step free access to station building and platform 1, normally used for all trains. Step free access via a flat crossing to the other platform, which is only used occasionally. Work in progress to extend the platforms for the new longer trains.

Doors of an Alfa Pendular train (Porto - Lisbon - Faro route) showing why those less able have problems! Click to see in full size.


These trains have a wheelchair lift in carriage 4. If you wish to take an unfolded chair on board, obtain a reservation with a seat in that car. Check with the railway that the lift is suitable. The older 'Inter-City' trains have similar steps but no wheelchair lift etc. Same for regional trains in the Algarve.

For a list of all the timetables on the site, click here
For an alphabetical list of places in the Algarve, click here
For some important general notes about buses in the Algarve, click here

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