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Braga < > Guimarães BUS TIMETABLE

Braga - Guimarães : This is AVE route 9304 which runs every 30 - 60 minutes on weekdays, less frequently at weekends.
Go to and select the 'line' number (they use American English) and be aware that there are different choices for Dias Úteis (weekdays), Sábado (Saturdays) and Domingos (Sundays and Holidays)

Bus 101 Braga <> Guimarães via the Universities do Minho and Guimarães here.

In addition to these buses, the Rede Expressos long distance company operates several non stop journeys every day but these are more expensive.
These are not part of the joint operation and the other tickets are not valid. Rede Expressos tickets can be purchased from their website. Journey time 25 minutes.

For a list of all the timetables on the site, click here
For an alphabetical list of places in the Algarve, click here
For some important general notes about buses in the Algarve, click here
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